Meaning Ring current
What does Ring current mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Ring current. You can also add a definition of Ring current yourself


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Ring current

In the magnetosphere, a region of current that flows in a disk-shaped region near the geomagnetic equator in the outer of the Van Allen radiation belts. The current is produced by the gradient and curvature drift of trapped charged particles. The ring current is greatly augmented during magnetic storms because of the hot plasma injected from the ma [..]


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Ring current

In the magnetosphere, a region of current that flows from east to west in a disk-shaped region near the geomagnetic equator in the outer of the Van Allen radiation belts. The current is produced by the gradient and curvature drift of the trapped charged particles. The ring current is greatly augmented during magnetic storms because of the hot plasm [..]


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Ring current

An electric current that creates a ring at a low latitude around the Earth, at between four and seven terrestrial radii from the surface of the planet.


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Ring current

In the magnetosphere, a region of current that flows in a disk-shaped region near the geomagnetic equator in the outer of the Van Allen radiation belts. The current is produced by the gradient and cur [..]

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